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Biden’s Passover Message: Ceasefire, Aid to Gaza, Two-State Solution

APRIL 22, 2024

US President Joe Biden released a Passover message on Sunday night that began well, focusing on the Biblical aspect of the Jewish holiday. It stayed focused on Jews and Israel, condemning the Oct. 7 attack on Israel and Hamas. But Biden strayed off course, claiming that he was working to bring about a ceasefire and humanitarian aid to Gaza, both of which benefit Hamas.

“Tomorrow night, Jews around the world will celebrate Passover, recounting their miraculous Exodus story from hundreds of years of enslavement in Egypt and their journey to freedom,” the statement read. “This holiday reminds us of a profound and powerful truth: that even in the face of persecution, if we hold on to faith, we shall endure and overcome.”

Biden then noted the connection between Biblical oppression of Jews and the Hamas massacre on Oct. 7.

“As Jews mark Passover with storytelling, songs and rituals, they will also read from the Haggadah how, in every generation, they have been targeted by those who would seek to destroy them. This year, those words carry deeper resonance and pain in the wake of Hamas’s unspeakable evil on Oct. 7—the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the Holocaust.


From the article: “And we are leading international efforts to ensure Israel can defend itself against Iran and its proxies, including by directing the U.S. military to help defend Israel against Iran’s unprecedented attacks last weekend,” the statement read, going on to decry antisemitism, a form of hatred that has spike under the Biden administration. Despite this disturbing phenomenon, the president has never spoken out against antisemitism and anti-Israel elements in his party.

"Lord, confuse the wicked, confound their words, for I see violence and strife in the city." (Psalm 55:9 NIV)