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Biden’s Anti-Faith Climate Has Made It Open Season On Christians—At Home And Abroad


By Tony Perkins for
Harbinger's Daily

“It’s an emotional moment,” Pastor Robin Lutjohann said quietly, surveying the rubble of his church. “It’s been a place of worship for a number of communities for over a century,” he told reporters after a six-alarm fire raged through the building Easter Sunday, destroying the Massachusetts landmark. “It fills me with sadness and dread about the work that is ahead of us,” Lutjohann admitted, wondering why anyone would have such malice toward [their church]. “If and when a person is found who has done this then we will pray for the power to forgive,” he insisted.

Unfortunately, his congregation isn’t alone in that prayer. An astonishing 436 churches in America were victims of criminal attacks in 2023, according to a new report from Family Research Council — more than double the number in 2022. From shattering stained glass and spray-painting relics to lighting five-gallon drums of gasoline on fire and riddling altars with bullet holes, houses of worship have become an increasingly dangerous target.

“You just feel the hate,” Rev. Jerome Jones shook his head, still shocked at the sight of his trashed Maryland sanctuary. Bibles, ripped into shreds that “looked like snow” on the pews, slashed upholstery, the big wooden cross — where congregants lifted their hands during the offering — torn down and tossed on the $100,000 of damage. From now on, Jones had to tell worshippers, “the cross is in your hearts.”


Biden’s Anti-Faith Climate Has Made It Open Season On Christians—At Home And Abroad​

ByTony Perkins
February 21, 2024


FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks to reporters as he departs for Boston from Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, U.S., September 12, 2022. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo

“It’s an emotional moment,” Pastor Robin Lutjohann said quietly, surveying the rubble of his church. “It’s been a place of worship for a number of communities for over a century,” he told reporters after a six-alarm fire raged through the building Easter Sunday, destroying the Massachusetts landmark. “It fills me with sadness and dread about the work that is ahead of us,” Lutjohann admitted, wondering why anyone would have such malice toward [their church]. “If and when a person is found who has done this then we will pray for the power to forgive,” he insisted.
Unfortunately, his congregation isn’t alone in that prayer. An astonishing 436 churches in America were victims of criminal attacks in 2023, according to a new report from Family Research Council — more than double the number in 2022. From shattering stained glass and spray-painting relics to lighting five-gallon drums of gasoline on fire and riddling altars with bullet holes, houses of worship have become an increasingly dangerous target.
“You just feel the hate,” Rev. Jerome Jones shook his head, still shocked at the sight of his trashed Maryland sanctuary. Bibles, ripped into shreds that “looked like snow” on the pews, slashed upholstery, the big wooden cross — where congregants lifted their hands during the offering — torn down and tossed on the $100,000 of damage. From now on, Jones had to tell worshippers, “the cross is in your hearts.”

[Their] Church is just a few miles from the Maryland State House, a fact that didn’t shield Jones from the violence that too many U.S. congregations are experiencing. If anything, experts say, our country’s deepening political divides may be what’s fanning the all-too-real flames. The growing anti-faith rhetoric of the Left, led by the Biden administration’s own bigotry toward Christians, has made it open season on houses of worship. After just 55 acts of hostility in 2020 under Donald Trump, the aggression has skyrocketed from 96 (2021) to 195 (2022) to a staggering 436 acts last year.


Not just churches. Also synagogues, mosques, temples, etc. Violence against pretty much all religions in the United States has increased and is likely to continue to increase, especially in light of current world events.
Ye olde offices of Janitor and Sexton :tap:

Various government agencies, local law enforcement, and religious organizations have produced publications and programs to help houses of worship protect their members and facilities, and conduct training and seminars. Here's one from DHS

A new Homeland Security guide aims to help houses of worship protect themselves​

The guidance comes at a time of deep unease in many communities of faith across America.

December 6, 2023
By Rebecca Santana

"WASHINGTON (AP) — A new guide from the Department of Homeland Security released Wednesday aims to help churches, synagogues, mosques and other houses of worship protect themselves at a time of heightened tensions in faith-based communities across the country.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, an arm of Homeland Security, works with faith groups across the country to help them prepare for and prevent targeted violence against their facilities and their members. David Mussington, who’s in charge of infrastructure security at CISA, says the goal of the 16-page document is to give useable information in a format that’s easy to understand.

“It’s designed to be clear, to be less jargon-filled and to provide guidance and assistance in getting assistance from us,” Mussington said."


:pray: :pray: :amen: :amen: :thankyou: :thankyou: