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Bible Rules - Something I wrote


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Bible Rules

Ever wonder why some things in the bible are so complex? Or why it may seem that the bible contradicts itself at times?

As the bible is full of knowledge and wisdom if it was very simple and clear to understand, then anyone even a very evil person could use the knowledge and wisdom for evil purposes. So someone like Hitler could read the bible, fully understand it and use all that knowledge and wisdom against Christians. Also someone who is not saved could correctly teach from the bible and we would think they are a Christian.

Now you may say, then how can anyone understand the bible? The answer is with the help of the Holy Spirit. Here is how it works. All Christians are able to understand some scripture, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Some Christians are gifted with the ability to understand scripture better than most, with the help of the Holy Spirit. Other Christians are gifted with the ability to understand scripture even better, with the help of the Holy Spirit, like good Pastors for example.

Notice the common thread is that we can only understand the bible, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

Here are some tips that may also help when reading the bible, with the help of the Holy Spirit.

The Bible is much like a jigsaw puzzle; you may think you understand a passage, but later find that your interpretation does not fit with some additional passages you read. With a jigsaw puzzle, when ALL the pieces fit everyone will see the exact same picture. With the Bible, when ALL scripture blends and agrees, everyone will get the exact same message.

The following are some rules to keep you from going astray when reading the Bible.

1) Never allow what is implied to override that which has been clearly stated.

2) Do not read a Bible passage looking for what you expect to find. Let the Bible passage reveal itself to you with no pre thought of what the passage is trying to convey.

3) All scripture must be understood in context. Meaning what is the point that the book and chapter is trying to make and who is it speaking to.

4) Some Bible statements are to be taken literally, but others are to be taken figuratively. As example, in the verse below Christ is not saying we should actually pluck out our eye.
Mat 5:29 And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

5) ALL Bible truths in both the Old and New Testament must agree.

6) If you do not understand something in the Bible don’t force an interpretation. Wait for either the Holy Spirit to reveal it to you, or to read or hear an interpretation that blends with other Bible truths.

7) If something you believe conflicts with other Bible truths, don’t be afraid to change your mind about that belief.

8) Always be humble and open to receive truth from anyone, but be sure to compare what is stated to other foundational Bible truths.

9) While you should always believe what the bible states, don’t accept someone’s interpretation of what the bible sates unless you understand and believe it.

While I am sure this is just a short list of rules you should apply, I sincerely believe that even if you just apply the rules above you will significantly improve the accuracy of the truth you receive from the Bible.

The Bible is so simple that an eight year old can understand it, yet so complex that a genius cannot master it. You could say that it has three different categories with different levels of ability to understand.

What you need to know.
This category is very easy to understand and only deals with your salvation.

What you should know.
This category is a little harder to understand and deals with your walk after you are saved.

What you want to know.
This category is harder yet and deals with things like past and future events.

The only category you need to understand to get into Heaven is category one. Don’t let categories two and three cause you distress or to start questioning your salvation. As you mature as a Christian, you will begin to understand more and more regarding categories two and three.

While these tips will hopefully help you to better understand the Bible, you will never fully master it. There will always be something new you can discover with the help of the Holy Spirit.

Goodboy :)