That was interesting. I loved Tom Hughs (sp) at about the 2-hr mark touch on his experience going down rabbit hole conspiracies.
I haven’t followed John Haller (sp) closely. Didn’t he used to be mid-trib? Anyhow, his input was valuable.
Personal back story. I was a reporter for a national Native American newspaper for a short time. (I hesitate to mention it in light of
@mattfivefour having real skin in that game!) Anyhow, my first big write up was 5,000 words on a subject I loved. Our office was a new satellite of the main office in Rapid City, SD. Our articles went to them for editing & when they sent edits back our onsite editor called me into his office. The first 1,000 words had a big red X on them. I learned that my story telling didn’t start in my opening monologue.
That said, this roundtable spun around the potential for an upcoming computer take over due to unleashed quantum computing (endless redundancies & unheard of powers). Add to that the freaky ideas of transhumanism!! Plus, we can’t rule out possible dangers of Elon Musk + Viveck Ramaswamy (sp)
For me the story of this roundtable could have cut the first hour. The tangible focus was on the economy worldwide. They shared some insights & expertise that made it worth my while to listen.