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Berkeley Professor Urges Israel to be Dismantled at German Event, Sparking Outrage


A series of virulent outbreaks of antisemitism at the German University of Tübingen, including a call from a University of California, Berkeley academic for the dissolution of Israel, triggered backlash from experts on Jew-hatred.

The University of Tübingen in the southwestern German state of Baden-Württemberg hosted in late November Berkeley Professor Daniel Boyarin who argues for a Judaism without a Jewish state, according to an article in the local paper Schwäbisches Tagblatt about the conference.

Boyarin’s contention in his book in 2023 titled, “The No State-Solution” was a heated topic of discussion at the conference.

Boyarin blasted Israel’s government for its “authoritarian, racist, military conduct” at the event. Israel’s government launched a defensive war against the US and EU-designated Hamas terrorist movement after the jihadi organization massacred 1,200 people on October 7 in southern Israel.

