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Baptism: First Step in An Obedient Walk with The Lord :: By Ron Ferguson

Andy C


: In this message I have put in writing, I am using the English spellings that I know differ from some American spellings.

This subject, when mentioned, seems to have people jumping into various corners of the debate. In fact, there should not even be a debate. Attitudes from a few are hardened, and some take the swords out to defend their positions, yet all the time, the ears are shut to hear what is being said. It is a strange thing about human beings that many want to hold to a particular belief, be it right or wrong or between, and if someone wants to talk about that belief or even have a non-confrontational discussion, it is perceived as a personal attack. That’s not good.

I wrote a poem called “TRUTH WITHOUT ARROGANCE,” and I want to quote just one stanza from it:

“I am the Way, the Truth and Life.”
Why do we see such Christian strife
Among the ones who love the Lord,
When over “truth” some draw the sword?
Without the life, just truth alone,
Will cause the empty soul to groan.
But truth alone, without the love,
Dishonours Christ, the Truth above.

Having said all that, I wish to share my understanding of Christian baptism as it was practised in the New Testament. Some of what I will say will line up with parts of what is held by those called Baptists. If you have any interest in understanding this subject, please read. Even if you find yourself unaccepting of this, then share what you want with me. I will not mind. However, everything must line up with scripture and scriptural practice.


We find this:

Matthew 3:1-6 “Now in those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea saying, ‘REPENT, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Then Jerusalem was going out to him, and all Judea, and all the district around the Jordan, and THEY WERE BEING BAPTISED BY HIM IN THE JORDAN RIVER AS THEY CONFESSED THEIR SINS.”

I did not read through all of the article but I do have a comment.

Most churches consider baptism to be a second step of obedience for a Christian. Why? Because salvation is a Free Gift requiring nothing on our part other than belief and acceptance. So if we include baptism as part of the salvation process, then there are many who at that time may not be willing to get saved. I am not saying that the article says baptism is a requirement for salvation, but if that is a part of the process many will assume it is required.

Now for those who are serious about not only their salvation but also their Christian walk, being baptized at the same time makes sense. Maybe the choice to be baptized could be offered at the same time. Also, how can baptism be part of the process if you get your co-worker to accept Jesus as their Savior at work?

Those are my thoughts anyway. 🤔
I did not read through all of the article but I do have a comment.

Most churches consider baptism to be a second step of obedience for a Christian. Why? Because salvation is a Free Gift requiring nothing on our part other than belief and acceptance. So if we include baptism as part of the salvation process, then there are many who at that time may not be willing to get saved. I am not saying that the article says baptism is a requirement for salvation, but if that is a part of the process many will assume it is required.

Now for those who are serious about not only their salvation but also their Christian walk, being baptized at the same time makes sense. Maybe the choice to be baptized could be offered at the same time. Also, how can baptism be part of the process if you get your co-worker to accept Jesus as their Savior at work?

Those are my thoughts anyway. 🤔
The OP does not include baptism as part of the salvation process.
The OP does not include baptism as part of the salvation process.
OK great! 👍
I guess I should have read the whole article. 😞

But you know me, I want to make sure it is krystal clear that there is nothing one must do to be saved other than belief and acceptance. I get suspicious that some form of work is being implied when other things are mentioned.

As the saying goes, MY BAD!!!
OK great! 👍
I guess I should have read the whole article. 😞

But you know me, I want to make sure it is krystal clear that there is nothing one must do to be saved other than belief and acceptance. I get suspicious that some form of work is being implied when other things are mentioned.

As the saying goes, MY BAD!!!
I knew the moment I posted it you would be the first to comment on it. We both will read an article, and make sure there is nothing be added to what salvation is. I posted an article yesterday from an authour who for years I thought comes very to close in her wording to being works based.
Excellent article! I have great difficulty understanding people who say they're saved but absolutely refuse to be baptized. It is an outright rejection of what Jesus Christ said.
The public declaration of salvation in every baptism is so exciting to watch and for that new believer it's hard for me to understand why they wouldn't be happy to announce and then be able to talk about it in the years ahead.