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Bans on Homeless Camps Upheld: Supreme Court Ruling Grants Cities Authority to Clear Streets — A Massive Blow to Democrat-Run Cities

Sanity has won. In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled 6-3 in favor of allowing cities to prohibit homeless encampments in public spaces.

The ruling stems from the case City of Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson et al., where the city sought to enforce ordinances prohibiting camping on public property.

Grants Pass, a city of approximately 38,000 residents, has struggled with homelessness, with an estimated 600 individuals experiencing homelessness on any given day. In response, the city implemented ordinances prohibiting camping on public property and parking overnight in city parks. Initial violations could result in fines, while repeated offenses could lead to imprisonment.


I understand the desire to prevent homeless people from crowding streets and creating a sanitary nightmare. But many of these homeless people are there because of the current economy. And not a few people have lost their dwelling places as a result of huge medical bills due to life-threatening diseases. We need state and federal policies that boost the economy and deal with the root issues of homelessness. Yes, there are lazy bums who just will not work. I have seen panhandlers asking for money and holding signs stating they're out of work and need help, while standing in front of businesses that are displaying large help wanted signs. But there are also a lot of people, including families, that are on the street through no fault of their own. We need to find ways to help them find places to live.
I understand the desire to prevent homeless people from crowding streets and creating a sanitary nightmare. But many of these homeless people are there because of the current economy. And not a few people have lost their dwelling places as a result of huge medical bills due to life-threatening diseases. We need state and federal policies that boost the economy and deal with the root issues of homelessness. Yes, there are lazy bums who just will not work. I have seen panhandlers asking for money and holding signs stating they're out of work and need help, while standing in front of businesses that are displaying large help wanted signs. But there are also a lot of people, including families, that are on the street through no fault of their own. We need to find ways to help them find places to live.
You're right but where I live it doesn't matter why people are homeless because there shouldn't be defication on the public sidewalks where pedestrians and people on wheelchairs need to be on. Because of the homeless situation there's been an increase in crime in California from murders to home invasions and due to the lax laws brazen shoplifting because they know they can do it and not face consequences.
This is a national problem, a global problem in fact, caused by bad leaders.
But I was homeless once and I was still respectful of property and I didn't steal or cause others harm because of the situation I was in.
I didn't mean to seem insensitive and I can't speak for other places I don't see or live in but here the homeless situation is bad and many of those out there have no respect for anyone, even among their own population like a few weeks ago just down the street from where I live one homeless person murdered another homeless person in an encampment.
Those running the state help addicts by handing out drug syringes, and Narcaine so they don't overdose, and hand out alcohol to alcoholics so they can reduce emergency room visits. That's the help California leaders have been giving the homeless.
This state is more willing to give the good kind of help to the multitudes of illegals coming across our Southern border.
The bottom line is this world is a mess, so far gone I can't see anything as what we used to know as normal again. People who don't know Jesus are a mess and have no conviction to care about what's right and wrong.
The only solution in this far gone world is Jesus coming to rule with an Iron Rod.
If homeless people cannot camp on public land, where do TPTB think they should go? :tap:
And who do they think the public land belongs too, anyway? :tap:

Here, there are huge blighted industrial areas/sites, which have the utility infrastructure, and sometimes the security infrastructure, to support large encampments so that sanitation, safety, etc. can be maintained. There's one particular place here that would be ideal, and the bus line could be diverted a couple of blocks at one point to the existing gate, and then back to the normal route, so people there could go to work, appointments, etc. If social services, employment services, day hire, basic and urgent medical and mental health services, detox and rehab pick-up, etc. were set up to be provided 24/7 on-site, people could actually get needed help and get on their feet. If the people in the encampment were empowered and provided with resources to enforce the rules and provide at least some of the necessary services and self-governance for themselves, instead of everything being done "to" them, cooperation and "ownership" of the situation would further eliminate a lot of "encampment-related issues." An elected governance council among the homeless residents, which meets in conjunction with the people running the camp makes a huge difference, and allows problems to be prevented and resolved (and stay prevented and resolved) better.

The biggest infrastructure needs for a well-run encampment are 24/7 security (both in the encampment and outside to keep the drug dealers and thieves out/away, and a big fence with security and referral to services at the gate), generous water, and generous sanitation (rest rooms, waste disposal, garbage pick-up, recycling, etc.). Clean, well-stocked restrooms, showers, and laundry facilities, all with paid attendants, make a HUGE difference and prevent extortion, abuse, theft, and assault in those facilities, and permit homeless people a LOT of dignity and incentive/ability to go to work, etc. No one wants to go anywhere if they or their clothes smell bad. Electricity and SAFE heaters are absolutely needed, especially in winter here. Otherwise people resort to fires to stay warm, which is a huge safety issue. Some form of secure, climate-controlled storage is also necessary, so people don't lose valuables (including work tools) and important papers to theft or the elements. Free wifi is also needed for education, job search, medical/mental health services/access to information/records, contact with family/friends, etc.

Churches, missions, etc. need to either conduct worship services on-site, or provide transportation to and from. Daily worship services and Bible study are essential, as spiritual needs among homeless are huge, and it's frustrating to not have access on a day(s) when one is available to go. It's very time-consuming and exhausting to exist as a homeless person, and available jobs with employers willing to hire homeless often preclude church or Bible study at "normal" times.

The harm reduction model is only good for the people, who already have the problem, and this has to be absolutely 100 percent strictly segregated from everyone else, otherwise, it becomes a harm-spreading model. I have seen this up-close-and personal, and it is a big reason why one of my siblings is now on drugs and mixed up with wicca, etc. This includes smoking vs non-smoking areas, which are separated so that non-smokers are protected. Some mental illnesses and emotional issues are helped by smoking (tobacco or marijuana, depending on the issue), so an absolute ban doesn't work, and vaping must also be banned in the non-smoking area(s).
If homeless people cannot camp on public land, where do TPTB think they should go? :tap:
And who do they think the public land belongs too, anyway? :tap:

Here, there are huge blighted industrial areas/sites, which have the utility infrastructure, and sometimes the security infrastructure, to support large encampments so that sanitation, safety, etc. can be maintained. There's one particular place here that would be ideal, and the bus line could be diverted a couple of blocks at one point to the existing gate, and then back to the normal route, so people there could go to work, appointments, etc. If social services, employment services, day hire, basic and urgent medical and mental health services, detox and rehab pick-up, etc. were set up to be provided 24/7 on-site, people could actually get needed help and get on their feet. If the people in the encampment were empowered and provided with resources to enforce the rules and provide at least some of the necessary services and self-governance for themselves, instead of everything being done "to" them, cooperation and "ownership" of the situation would further eliminate a lot of "encampment-related issues." An elected governance council among the homeless residents, which meets in conjunction with the people running the camp makes a huge difference, and allows problems to be prevented and resolved (and stay prevented and resolved) better.

The biggest infrastructure needs for a well-run encampment are 24/7 security (both in the encampment and outside to keep the drug dealers and thieves out/away, and a big fence with security and referral to services at the gate), generous water, and generous sanitation (rest rooms, waste disposal, garbage pick-up, recycling, etc.). Clean, well-stocked restrooms, showers, and laundry facilities, all with paid attendants, make a HUGE difference and prevent extortion, abuse, theft, and assault in those facilities, and permit homeless people a LOT of dignity and incentive/ability to go to work, etc. No one wants to go anywhere if they or their clothes smell bad. Electricity and SAFE heaters are absolutely needed, especially in winter here. Otherwise people resort to fires to stay warm, which is a huge safety issue. Some form of secure, climate-controlled storage is also necessary, so people don't lose valuables (including work tools) and important papers to theft or the elements. Free wifi is also needed for education, job search, medical/mental health services/access to information/records, contact with family/friends, etc.

Churches, missions, etc. need to either conduct worship services on-site, or provide transportation to and from. Daily worship services and Bible study are essential, as spiritual needs among homeless are huge, and it's frustrating to not have access on a day(s) when one is available to go. It's very time-consuming and exhausting to exist as a homeless person, and available jobs with employers willing to hire homeless often preclude church or Bible study at "normal" times.

The harm reduction model is only good for the people, who already have the problem, and this has to be absolutely 100 percent strictly segregated from everyone else, otherwise, it becomes a harm-spreading model. I have seen this up-close-and personal, and it is a big reason why one of my siblings is now on drugs and mixed up with wicca, etc. This includes smoking vs non-smoking areas, which are separated so that non-smokers are protected. Some mental illnesses and emotional issues are helped by smoking (tobacco or marijuana, depending on the issue), so an absolute ban doesn't work, and vaping must also be banned in the non-smoking area(s).
Brilliant response, sister! Pending the return of Jesus Christ to rule and reign on Earth, what you have suggested is one of the best programs I have ever come across.
Something to think about is that this group of people have been used by crime syndicates for their own purposes. Desperate people will start to do anything for money/drugs.

So, cities actively helping (along with healthy boundaries) as Ghoti has laid out can also greatly decrease crime and resources for those criminal syndicates.

And create accountability along with flushing out criminals hiding in their midst.
Criminals will always hide out where there is some degree of anonymity, simply to avoid jail. If there are sufficient necessary healthy resources freely available, in the absence of substance abuse and mental illness, the person not only loses the motivation to do crimes, but potential victims are no longer motivated to participate (in some crimes) for some benefit. There is far less crime when there is "enough" for everyone.

Some people become criminals simply to feed their children. Women prostituting is one common example, and it happens in all sorts of circumstances. In addition to the usual means and environments, prostituting also includes becoming a mistress to one (almost always married) man, so she and her child(ren) have a place to live, utilities, food on the table, clothes, and sometimes spending money. Shoplifting, especially food, formula, and diapers, or anything that can be sold or traded for such. FWIW, some drug dealers will take specific items from regulars, as currency. Tide Pods was a favorite in one area where I used to work.

When a mentally ill person is suffering and a "kindly" drug dealer or "friend" (a user needing to sell to support his or her own habit) provides something (free the first/first few times) that will relieve at least some of the symptoms, the person will often accept in desperation. The drug dealer/"friend" provides marijuana to schizophrenics, who are hallucinating/hearing voices, and it often helps. Once the person gets used to feeling better, the drug dealer/"friend" starts to charge. If the person has a source of income, such as SSDI, the dealer can peg the price to what he or she knows the person is able to pay. If, at some point, the person starts balking, the dealer simply laces the marijuana with something actually addictive, and creates an addict willing to do "anything" for the high, and then to avoid the dope-sickness and withdrawal. Similarly, cultists/satan worshippers, etc. prey on mentally ill people, enticing them to participate in occult and satanic activities in conjunction with drugs that help them feel better. Eventually, at least some become demon-possessed :headbang: :mad: :apost: :ban: