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Back To Babylon :: By Daymond Duck

Andy C

Following the Creation, God revealed that He wanted people to be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the earth (Gen. 1:28). But everyone perished in the Great Flood except for 8 people (Noah, his wife, their 3 sons, and their sons’ wives).

People began to multiply again: Noah’s son Ham begat Cush; then Cush begat Nimrod (Gen.10). Nimrod is credited with building several cities in the Plain of Shinar, he rose to power over those cities, and he didn’t want the residents scattered over the earth. He wanted to abandon God’s instructions to fill the earth and establish a New World Order (an anti-God world government and world religion).

One city that Nimrod built was named Babel (a word that is also translated Babylon), and it is sometimes called “the city of Satan.” Nimrod started constructing a tower (called the Tower of Babel) so people could go to heaven their way, not God’s way (Gen. 11).

God is not fooled, He is in control, He confused their language so they could not understand each other, and they scattered over all the earth. This eventually led to the formation of sovereign nations with borders.

There was a second attempt to establish a New World Order in the days of King Nebuchadnezzar. It took 3 times (between about 606 and 586 B.C.), but Nebuchadnezzar eventually conquered Israel and Jerusalem. He captured many Jews, including Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and he took them back to Babylon. Shortly after he captured them, Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that troubled him.

It was a Gentile timeline (Times of the Gentiles; a period when Jerusalem would be under the control of Gentile empires) from Babylon to the coming of a Rock that would fill the whole earth (the Second Coming and Millennial reign of Jesus).

The statue had a head of gold, chest and arms of silver, belly and thigh of brass, the upper legs were iron, the lower legs would break into pieces, they would reunite and be mixed with clay in the feet (Dan. 2).

Daniel interpreted the dream for him: Babylon would be replaced by a second kingdom (Medes and Persians), the second kingdom would be replaced by a third kingdom (Greece), the third kingdom would be replaced by a fourth kingdom (the Roman Empire), the fourth kingdom would break into pieces (nations; France, UK, Spain, etc.), the pieces would reunite at the end of the age and be joined by others (EU plus other nations), and a Rock would destroy them when history reaches the tip of the toes.
