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At White House, King Abdullah attacks '70 years of Israeli occupation'

Jordan’s King Abdullah warned against the danger of “seven decades of occupation” as he called for a two-state resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict during a press conference with US President Joe Biden at the White House.

“Seven decades of occupation, death, and destruction have proven beyond any doubt that there can be no peace without a political horizon,” said the monarch.

Abdullah has been a strong proponent of a two-state solution at the pre-1967 lines, with east Jerusalem as the capital of the Palestinian one.


That may be a strong wake up call to the current Crown Prince MBS (Mohamed Bin Salman) because the king may not approve of the increasing ties to Israel that MBS has been working on. Toe the line or else some other princeling will rise to favourite son and heir status.

MBS has to walk a very fine tightrope.