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Are All People Evil?


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
Are All People Evil?

Most would probably answer yes to this question. I also would have said yes a few years back, but I have a different perspective now. If you are reading this just to dispute what I am saying, you will never understand my point. Please just view it with an open mind and consider what I say. If after that, you still don't agree, that's fair. 😊

So let me first say that each and every person is a sinner which we inherited from Adam. That will only be changed at the Rapture, regarding our bodies anyway. Sure if we die before the Rapture, our soul and spirit will be with Jesus but not our sinful bodies. Those who have accepted Jesus and have already died will get their new sinless bodies at the Rapture.

So what about evil? Aren't we all also evil? That depends on the context. The Bible says that no one is Righteous not one. However is also says that Lot was Righteous. How can that be?

Isaiah 41:26 Who hath declared from the beginning, that we may know? and beforetime, that we may say, He is righteous? yea, there is none that sheweth, yea, there is none that declareth, yea, there is none that heareth your words.

Rom 3:10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one:

2 Peter 2:7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
2 Peter 2:8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds.

Is the Bible contradicting itself? Of course not. The same word can change its meaning based on context. When the Bible says that no one is righteous, it is speaking to perfect righteous which is required to enter Heaven. When the Bible says that Lot was righteous, it is not speaking of perfect righteous but compared to men.

To make sure you understand the concept, let me give you an example. Supposed there is a 12 year old kid shooting hoops next door to you. I ask you if he is a good basketball player. You say, that kid is a great basketball player. Well you mean compared to other kids his age right? You don't mean that he can play as good as Michael Jordan. The same is true at times when the Bible use words.

Want another example? Jesus says if we look at a woman with lust, we have committed adultery in our heart. Would you accuse your friend of committing adultery for looking at a women with lust? No, because Jesus is speaking of perfection. Our world is not perfect so we define adultery differently. However, we do understand what Jesus is saying regarding perfection and how any tiny little sin makes us guilty.

So the Bible can use words like good, bad, evil, righteous sometimes referring to perfection and other times to separate two types of humans.

So Noah and his family were saved. Why, because they were not considered evil.
So Lot and his family were saved. Why, because they were not considered evil.

If you think Lot was evil, then why does the Bible say this?
Genesis 18:26 And the LORD said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sakes.
2 Peter 2:7 And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:
2 Peter 2:8 (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)

So what is my point? For those who understand and agree with what I have said, it takes us to this.

John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
John 3:21 But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.

Evil people by man's standards will not come to the light (Jesus) and get saved as per John 3:20.
Those who are not evil by man's standards, will come to the light (Jesus) and be saved as per John 3:21.

God Bless! 😊
Evil people by man's standards will not come to the light (Jesus) and get saved as per John 3:20.
Those who are not evil by man's standards, will come to the light (Jesus) and be saved as per John 3:21.
Good post, but seems a rehash of yesterdays discussion.

I would agree with the above if you added “even the most evil, still can repent, and believe”. They likely will never do so, but all have the opportunity to be saved

Side note? Michael Jordan? Why not use Magic Johnson, or Chamberlain, the real Goats…. :)
Good post, but seems a rehash of yesterdays discussion.

I would agree with the above if you added “even the most evil, still can repent, and believe”. They likely will never do so, but all have the opportunity to be saved

Side note? Michael Jordan? Why not use Magic Johnson, or Chamberlain, the real Goats…. :)
Yes I agree it is a rehash, but many might not have read that post.

Hey, I am not the one that said evil people won't come to the light, that is what the Bible says!
John 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
John 3:20 For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

You already know what I think of Michael Jordan, as a basketball player that is. LOL! 😂
Someone asked me the other day how I would define "Evil". At the time I had no good answer for them and did not respond. Sure I could give examples of what an evil person does and so probably can you, but that does not define evil.

Today I believe that the Holy Spirit gave me the answer. How do I know it was the Holy Spirit? Because he always directs me to Bible verses that I have read, which is what he does as per John 14:26 below.

John 14:25 These things have I spoken unto you, being yet present with you.
John 14:26 But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.

To define "Evil" I believe the first step is to define good. So how does Jesus describe good? He does this in the verses below.

Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
Matthew 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Matthew 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Matthew 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

So Jesus says we should love God and love thy neighbor to be good.

Well as evil is the opposite of good, I would define evil as hating God and hating your neighbor. Of course "Your Neighbor" is everyone.

So with this definition, anyone who hates God and hates their neighbor is evil!

You may say, what about someone who sins a lot? They could be evil if they also hate God and hate their neighbor, but sinning alone does not make one evil. Remember Jesus died to pay for our sins and whether we sin a lot or a little we would still be just as guilty as the one who sins a lot.

James 2:10 For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

Goodboy! 😊
To me, an evil person is someone who emphatically and irrevocably denies God and His teachings and lives only by his or her own dictates, regardless of how it may affect others. In other words, an evil person is someone who chooses to live for themselves and they have no concern that they may hurt others. It is absolutely no concern of theirs. Basically, we're speaking of a sociopath or a psychopath. And it is those people who will refuse to ever come to God, even on their deathbed. In fact I've read accounts of people actually cursing God on their deathbed! Incredible, but true.

The issue for us is that we cannot predict whether a person will repent and trust Jesus Christ for their salvation. Therefore we can never say that a person is going to hell. We can never say a person is irredeemable. In fact, both the Word of God and my own personal experience has taught me that nobody can be presumed irredeemable.

According to the Bible, we were all enemies of God at one time; but that didn't stop Him from reaching out to us. What stopped us from being evil men and women? He did...the instant we turned to His Son. We who were not saints are now saints, because we accepted God's offer. Who knows that other non-saints may do the same as we did? Therefore, although a person's evil behavior or attitudes may cause us to regard them with caution and we should probably exercise great care around them, let us never regard them as eternally lost. Let us never return as beyond God's love. Therefore, let us never cease to pray for them.
To me, an evil person is someone who emphatically and irrevocably denies God and His teachings and lives only by his or her own dictates, regardless of how it may affect others. In other words, an evil person is someone who chooses to live for themselves and they have no concern that they may hurt others. It is absolutely no concern of theirs. Basically, we're speaking of a sociopath or a psychopath. And it is those people who will refuse to ever come to God, even on their deathbed. In fact I've read accounts of people actually cursing God on their deathbed! Incredible, but true.
Your first paragraph is just what I said using different words and I totally agree! 👍

I also totally agree with your second paragraph stating we cannot judge who is and is not or will and will not be saved as only God knows that! 👍

I am not sure we agree on your third paragraph where you seem to imply that we Christians were evil. There is a difference between a sinner which we all are and someone who is evil. Your first paragraph described very well someone who is evil. You also said correctly that an evil person will not be saved, by their own choice. Evil is something in someones heart that we cannot not see. We can only see what someone does, but we don't know for sure why they do what they do.

God has judged people to be evil before and punished them in the great flood and with Sodom & Gomorrah. Others like Noah and Lot while they were sinners, God considered them to be righteous. So God knew who the evil people were, just like Jesus knew who Judas was.
To me, an evil person is someone who emphatically and irrevocably denies God and His teachings and lives only by his or her own dictates, regardless of how it may affect others. In other words, an evil person is someone who chooses to live for themselves and they have no concern that they may hurt others. It is absolutely no concern of theirs. Basically, we're speaking of a sociopath or a psychopath. And it is those people who will refuse to ever come to God, even on their deathbed. In fact I've read accounts of people actually cursing God on their deathbed! Incredible, but true.

Many will be cursing God during Tribulation... it defies sanity...
I am not sure we agree on your third paragraph where you seem to imply that we Christians were evil. There is a difference between a sinner which we all are and someone who is evil. Your first paragraph described very well someone who is evil. You also said correctly that an evil person will not be saved, by their own choice. Evil is something in someones heart that we cannot not see. We can only see what someone does, but we don't know for sure why they do what they do.

God has judged people to be evil before and punished them in the great flood and with Sodom & Gomorrah. Others like Noah and Lot while they were sinners, God considered them to be righteous. So God knew who the evil people were, just like Jesus knew who Judas was.

Respectfully, brother, I think you are misunderstanding me and conflating evil with evil people. All of us at one time did evil in God's sight; some of this may yet do evil from time to time. But an evil person delights in doing evil, and will not stop regardless how he or she is approached. Scripture tells us we all did evil; Jesus even said to some of his followers that they were being evil, by which I presume he was referring to some of their thoughts.

All of God's saints did evil ... and some still do, from time to time. Abraham lied; Jacob lied, deceived, stole and blasphemed; Moses murdered and committed adultery, David did the same; Rahab sold her body for money, Jonah disobeyed and complained, Peter denied Christ, Saul persecuted believers and was responsible for many deaths. All of these people did evil --and mny were viewed as evil by their peers. But God took each of them, changed them through the power of the Holy Spirit, and used them for His Glory and to bless others. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Since the person who steals is a thief, and a person who murders is a murderer, and the person who breaks the least of God's commandments is a sinner, is it incorrect to say a person who does evil is an evil person? It's merely a descriptive; not a judgment of an inescapable condition.

If you can accept that, then our latest exercise in dialectical argumentation has achieved its purpose-- consensus ... specifically an understanding of the topic that correctly comprehends its aspects and, consequently, equips us to deal with it more accurately and effectively when we come across it in our lives.
Respectfully, brother, I think you are misunderstanding me and conflating evil with evil people. All of us at one time did evil in God's sight; some of this may yet do evil from time to time. But an evil person delights in doing evil, and will not stop regardless how he or she is approached. Scripture tells us we all did evil; Jesus even said to some of his followers that they were being evil, by which I presume he was referring to some of their thoughts.

All of God's saints did evil ... and some still do, from time to time. Abraham lied; Jacob lied, deceived, stole and blasphemed; Moses murdered and committed adultery, David did the same; Rahab sold her body for money, Jonah disobeyed and complained, Peter denied Christ, Saul persecuted believers and was responsible for many deaths. All of these people did evil --and mny were viewed as evil by their peers. But God took each of them, changed them through the power of the Holy Spirit, and used them for His Glory and to bless others. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Since the person who steals is a thief, and a person who murders is a murderer, The person who breaks the least of God's commandments is a sinner, is it incorrect to say a person who does evil is an evil person? It's merely a descriptive; not a judgment of an inescapable condition.

If you can accept that, then our latest exercise in dialectical argumentation has achieved its purpose-- consensus ... specifically an understanding of the topic that correctly comprehends its aspects and, consequently, equips us to deal with it more accurately and effectively when we come across it in our lives.
As you are aware I don't like debating, so let me just say this last thing.

Doing evil or sinning is different than being evil in ones heart. I know there are evil people, but I have not ever met anyone personally who hated God and hated all people. I probably have seen and been next to an evil person, but that type of person I would steer clear of and never know for sure if they were evil or not. I am sure we could go to a Satanic meeting and find some evil people there though.

We can disagree and that's fine. At this point I said all I need to. I will leave it at that! 😊
Respectfully, brother, I think you are misunderstanding me and conflating evil with evil people. All of us at one time did evil in God's sight; some of this may yet do evil from time to time. But an evil person delights in doing evil, and will not stop regardless how he or she is approached. Scripture tells us we all did evil; Jesus even said to some of his followers that they were being evil, by which I presume he was referring to some of their thoughts.

All of God's saints did evil ... and some still do, from time to time. Abraham lied; Jacob lied, deceived, stole and blasphemed; Moses murdered and committed adultery, David did the same; Rahab sold her body for money, Jonah disobeyed and complained, Peter denied Christ, Saul persecuted believers and was responsible for many deaths. All of these people did evil --and mny were viewed as evil by their peers. But God took each of them, changed them through the power of the Holy Spirit, and used them for His Glory and to bless others. Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Since the person who steals is a thief, and a person who murders is a murderer, and the person who breaks the least of God's commandments is a sinner, is it incorrect to say a person who does evil is an evil person? It's merely a descriptive; not a judgment of an inescapable condition.

If you can accept that, then our latest exercise in dialectical argumentation has achieved its purpose-- consensus ... specifically an understanding of the topic that correctly comprehends its aspects and, consequently, equips us to deal with it more accurately and effectively when we come across it in our lives.
I must apologize as I did not fully understand your post until I read it again. I should have not responded so fast. 😊

I just realized I think we were basically saying the same thing. I was separating evil from sin as to me it makes the conversation easier. Sure we could say that sinning is evil, I just preferred to call it sinning. So we could have said and can still say we all are sinners. However, I would not say we all are evil.

So if I have this right, you believe we all did and continue to do evil, which is what I call sin. You also believe that if a person does not just do evil but is evil in his heart, that person will not be saved because of his own choosing. God will not force anyone to be saved. Is that correct or at least close? I wish we could have a conversation in person or by phone. This posting can get very confusing at times. :noidea:
So if I have this right, you believe we all did and continue to do evil, which is what I call sin. You also believe that if a person does not just do evil but is evil in his heart, that person will not be saved because of his own choosing. God will not force anyone to be saved. Is that correct or at least close?
Yes, brother, you are correct.

I wish we could have a conversation in person or by phone. This posting can get very confusing at times. :noidea:
PM me and I'll give you my phone number.
Yes, brother, you are correct.

PM me and I'll give you my phone number.
Your offer is so kind and nice of you. 😊

It humbles me that you are willing to give me your phone number, when you don't really even know me. I was not really looking to actually speak to you in person or by phone. I made that statement really to make the point that posts can easily be misunderstood. When you said I was correct with my last post and we agree, there is no need to pursue this topic any further from my perspective anyway. If you would like to speak with me though, I offer you the same. I could give you my phone number or setup a Zoom meeting if you want. Just PM me. 👍

While I say I don't need to speak with you now, I love that you have offered me the option, as it may come up again some time. The world is getting so bad that there are very few people I can speak with that have any sense and it is getting worse. So sometime in the future I just might take you up on your offer. Not sure how you got that way but you are a great example of a Good Shepard! I have dealt with a lot of Pastors in my life who pretend to be humble and loving until you disagree with them or need something from them. That is when you find out who they really are.

I don't want you to get a Big Head! LOL! 😂 But people like you are very rare and hard to find these days! So many these days are not looking to help, but to see what they can get and I am including Pastors too. I don't know if you currently have a church, but so many Pastors are just interested in getting you to attend their church and of course your tithes and offerings.

Thanks again for the offer! 👍
God Bless! 😇