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Archbishop: Catholics Are Rebelling Against Church’s Pro-Migration Policies

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Catholics are rebelling against their religious leaders’ pro-migration policies, and the Catholic leadership must set them straight, Archbishop Timothy Dolan of New York said in an interview on December 21 with the Catholic-run Center for Migration Studies (CMS).

“We were about ready — [with] Catholic Charities — a year ago to turn that [empty New York City] school into a school for immigrant kids, who would come in, and we’d help them with their English. We would help them get up to speed when it comes to their eventual insertion into one of our schools,” the Catholic Cardinal said.

“And the people in that parish … rebelled and said, “Absolutely not, we will not have them here,” said Dolan, who watches over the massive government-funded, migrant-delivery process operated by the legally independent Catholic Charities USA.

Catholic leaders must set them straight... 🙄 Organizations connected to the catholic church are some of the ones raking in big bucks in this illegal alien trade that's going on. From encouraging them to head north to getting paid for helping them once in the USA. It's a massive and expensive scam.