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Antisemitism across America, from Alabama to Wisconsin

“Jews are talking about ‘do you have a passport?’ ‘Are you armed?’ People are actually having these conversations,” Shoshana Stein Benarroch told USA Today. Benarroch is 43 and runs the TikTok account @mysocalledjewishlife. Her kosher cooking videos have been inundated with hate comments since the Israel war with Hamas broke out on October 7.

Amid an unprecedented rise in antisemitism in the United States, USA Today interviewed members of the Jewish community in each state to learn how antisemitism is manifesting itself across the country.

The USA Today report begins with Alabama, where in Montgomery alone, there were six incidents of bomb threats against six of the seven synagogues in the area.

Although Alaska is generally off the beaten path for most, “We have a very emotional group of people who are very intensely pro-Palestinian, and they don’t care if they are coming off as antisemitic or not,” Rabbi Abram Goodstein of Anchorage told USA Today. He also shared that within his synagogue, there is a divide where there is fear over everything happening, but also many in his community do not like what Israel is doing either.

Antisemitism at universities.....

So unbelievable what is taking place around the globe, and seeing it in America is unbelievable. I never thought I would see this in my lifetime.

I was watching the newest video prophecy update with Tom Hughes and he had Jan Markell as his guest. She's Jewish and the discussion they were having about what's been going on with Israel and the growing antisemitism in the US. She said on October 7th demons were released into the world because she hasn't ever seen anything like this. She said that this hatred for the Jewish people is worse than 1938 because back then it was mainly localized in a small part of Europe, but now it's all over the world.

I have been stunned watching and listening to reports of the hate towards the Jewish people. And most of it is coming from young people who don't even know the history of Israel and yet they believe the lies being said about Israel being an "Apartied state" and "they're committing genocide " and more lies.

If anyone is interested in listening to the discussion between Tom and Jan I am putting the video here below.

A little long but worth the time of this important message about the growing hate towards Israel and Jews all over the world and how it will get to the point that we will be raptured and "Mr Fix-it" will rise with the answers for everything and offer a solution for peace with Israel and the middle east.
It's length is 43:58 minutes.

Well, everyone knows that a cooking show with a peaceful, loving, kind, tender Jewish woman is rife with much more venom, hate, evil, violence, and terrorism than what is being spewed on our own campuses and in Muslim/Islamic-Jihadist terrorist populations all over the world. She brings it on herself with her talk of kosher fresh ingredients, mixing, stirring, pouring, cutting, slicing, baking, etc.

Their hate and evil is before them and the King of Kings and Lord of Lords does not miss anything that goes on their scorecards.