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Anticipation of Home :: By Dennis Huebshman

Andy C

In 1971, singer Carly Simon wrote a song called “Anticipation” as she waited for her date, another singer of that day, Cat Stevens, to pick her up. While this particular song has nothing to do with the end of this era, we can relate to that feeling as we await our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to come and take all true believers for our “ultimate date.” For those who have received and accepted His gift of eternal Salvation, this will absolutely be the most joyous occasion that we will ever have here. (ESV – all emphasis is mine)

Far too many people are looking for the ultimate gift, the ultimate joy, the ultimate personal satisfaction, and even the ultimate love through what this world supposedly has to offer. This would best be described as; “Looking for Love In All The Wrong Places”, as the song title states in a song by Johnny Lee in 1980.

The truest form of love we will ever experience is given in one of the most popular Bible verses ever: John 3:16; “For God so loved the world, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Our one and only true creator could have been totally different and ruled over us with an iron fist and with absolutely no tolerance of our feelings at all.

There are stipulations that He has made for us to be able to receive our eternal home with Him, and to some people, they seem very difficult to follow. John 3:17-18; “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”

While believing is one of the elements, another is admitting we are all sinners, and without a true Savior, we deserve eternal punishment. This is clarified in Romans 6:23; “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.”

Finally, we have to call out to our Savior to forgive us, come into our hearts, and be our eternal Shepherd. Three verses that state this fact are Joel 2:32, Acts 2:21, and Romans 10:13.
:thankyou: for posting this!
While believing is one of the elements
We may differ here. I hold that believing in Jesus is the ONLY stipulation.

No one can believe in Jesus, learn of Him through the Bible, and ever think they were sinless at any point (break one law, you break them all).

Believing gives us understand about this gift: Romans 6:23; “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.” It helps us grasp that God's gift is free, we get it by responding to God's call to believe in Jesus.

Jesus' righteousness is gifted to us. It's alien to us, we couldn't manufacture it no matter how good we think we are.

Basically we get to the same understanding about faith, but I see myself as a sinner in response to His goodness, not because it's a step in exercising faith.
:thankyou: for posting this!

We may differ here. I hold that believing in Jesus is the ONLY stipulation.

No one can believe in Jesus, learn of Him through the Bible, and ever think they were sinless at any point (break one law, you break them all).

Believing gives us understand about this gift: Romans 6:23; “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus, our Lord.” It helps us grasp that God's gift is free, we get it by responding to God's call to believe in Jesus.

Jesus' righteousness in gifted to us. It's alien to us, we couldn't manufacture it no matter how good we think we are.

Basically we get to the same understanding about faith, but I see myself as a sinner in response to His goodness, not because it's a step in exercising faith.
I didnt like the term “elements”, but he did breakdown what “belief” is. I have on occasion had someone tell me they believe in Jesus, but upon asking what they believe, they dont know anything. We both know you dont have to be a Theologian to be saved, but you do need to know what it is one says they believe in. No works or actions involved for salvation, just belief in Him, right?
I have on occasion had someone tell me they believe in Jesus, but upon asking what they believe, they dont know anything.
I don't think it's possible to believe in something you know nothing about.

I certainly knew nothing about Jesus, about the Bible, but the same Holy Spirit convicting me to believe also convicted me to read the Bible.

(Sometimes He'd need to use a little discipline, not that I could ever be crazy stubborn :paniccircle:
I don't think it's possible to believe in something you know nothing about.

I certainly knew nothing about Jesus, about the Bible, but the same Holy Spirit convicting me to believe also convicted me to read the Bible.

(Sometimes He'd need to use a little discipline, not that I could ever be crazy stubborn :paniccircle:
I think we are basically saying the same thing, but you doing so more eloquently. Nobody has ever accused me of being a
proper “wordsmith”…:oops: