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Another Gift From the Administration That Hates You: Biden Quietly Bans Many Gas-Powered Water Heaters

As Joe Biden's disastrous presidency winds down, the president seems to daily go out of his way to kneecap the incoming Trump administration and stick a finger in the eye—to put it nicely—of the American people, who made it abundantly clear in November that they want no more part of him, Kamala or their ilk.

And as he continues his battle against affordable, reliable energy and tries to foist not-ready-for-prime technology on us, he’s quietly made another move, this one to ban affordable water heaters:

The Biden administration finalized climate regulations to ban most natural gas-powered instantaneous water heaters—a move that critics say will drive up costs for consumers.

The Department of Energy—which formally published the rules the day after Christmas—didn’t issue a press release announcing the action, a departure from past appliance regulations. The published rules say the regulations are expected to help the climate by curbing carbon dioxide emissions.

Overall, under the regulations, roughly 40 percent of the new tankless water heaters available in the United States today will be taken off the market by 2029. Experts and industry officials say that will force consumers to purchase either more expensive or less efficient water heater models.


He can go bathe in one of our local lakes here. I'll happily cut a hole in the ice and hold a towel for him. And he'd best use environmentally-friendly soap that won't pollute the water or hurt the fish, turtles, etc. (and consequently doesn't clean very well). Currently, none of the beaches in Minneapolis are closed due to pollution/contamination, so he could pick any of them.

And he'd better wash behind his ears before he climbs out, and dry between his toes after he gets out before running (hobbling?) to his limousine (which cannot be left running and unlocked in Minneapolis due to air pollution regulations and anti-carjacking ordinances) :tap: