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Amid recruiting woes, active duty end strength to drop again in 2024


The smallest U.S. military force in more than 80 years is about to get even smaller. Under end strength levels outlined in the annual defense authorization bill passed by the Senate Wednesday evening and expected to be passed by the House on Thursday, the total number of active-duty troops in the armed forces will drop to 1,284,500 in fiscal 2024.

That’s down nearly 64,000 personnel in the last three years and the smallest total for America’s military since 1940, before the United States’ entry into World War II.

Lawmakers say the reason for the lower target isn’t a decrease in missions or threats in recent years. Instead, the number reflects recruiting challenges across the services and an expectation of what level of personnel is realistic in coming months.


This at a time when Russia and China both are increasing their numbers of military personnel.
Interesting that the former Chinese leader Mao instituted the One child policy for the Chinese people.
Because of the enforcement of this One child policy it has impacted the Chinese economically and militarily ,and because of this concern President Xi, with Russian President Putin, and N Korea's President Kim Jung Un is now is encouraging the Chinese people to have more children.

The leaders of China, Russia and North Korea are urging their citizens to have more children to help solve the many challenges they face, including economic and military concerns. But experts say it's unclear how having more children will help them in these areas.​

Interesting that the former Chinese leader Mao instituted the One child policy for the Chinese people.
Because of the enforcement of this One child policy it has impacted the Chinese economically and militarily ,and because of this concern President Xi, with Russian President Putin, and N Korea's President Kim Jung Un is now is encouraging the Chinese people to have more children.

The leaders of China, Russia and North Korea are urging their citizens to have more children to help solve the many challenges they face, including economic and military concerns. But experts say it's unclear how having more children will help them in these areas.​

I love irony!

Gen Z U.S. Soldiers Engaged in ‘TikTok Mutiny,’ Discouraging Army Recruits​

“The Army expects to end up about 15,000 short of its target of 65,000 recruits for 2023,” the outlet reported. “Similarly, the Navy expects to fall short by 10,000 personnel and the Air Force is projected to miss its goal by 10 percent.”

Generation Z appears to be full of complaints about the military, as an increasing number take part in what the publication described as a “TikTok mutiny.”

Another young soldier influencer named Shemar Williams told his 34,000 followers his “top five reasons not to join the military” while in uniform and while appearing to be on base.

I'd like to hear why these losers who are complaining so much joined up in the first place. Was it an option the judge offered during sentencing perhaps? Or maybe to escape an otherwise lousy life only to learn later that their lousiness followed them right into the military?