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America Must Side With Israel Against Hezbollah

Column: No more diplomatic games from Biden and Blinken
President Biden has seen enough. On Sept. 26, the United States joined nine other countries and the European Union to demand a three-week ceasefire across the Lebanon-Israel border. "It is time," the group said in a statement, "to conclude a diplomatic settlement that enables civilians on both sides of the border to return to their homes in safety."

I've consumed a lot of multilateral mush during the Biden years. Never have I encountered a statement as disingenuous, deluded, and feckless as this.

Notice who signed it: the United States, Australia, Canada, the EU, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. Not Israel. Not Lebanon. And, most significantly, neither Hezbollah nor Iran. The terrorist army and its patron aren't mentioned. How do you negotiate a ceasefire without naming the belligerents?

Israel isn't fighting Lebanon. Israel wants nothing to do with Lebanon. The IDF left there 24 years ago. Israel is attempting to restore deterrence against Hezbollah, the Shiite militia that functions like a state-within-a-state inside its Lebanese host.

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