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America is next: South African minister says countries aiding Israel liable for ICC prosecution

South African International Relations and Cooperation Minister Naledi Pandor affirmed US House Speaker Mike Johnson’s prediction that the United States would be next if the International Criminal Court (ICC) is allowed to prosecute Israeli leadership, the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported on Friday.

Pandor’s comments were addressed to an audience at a mosque in Cape Town, South Africa, MEMRI noted.

In the MEMRI video, the South African minister donned a black and white checkered keffiyeh and stood in front of a Palestinian flag.

“[Speaker Johnson] said that if the ICC is allowed to threaten Israel's leaders, then we know that America will be next. Our response is: Of course!" Pandor exclaimed in the video clip.


South Africa should concentrate on eliminating the real terror and genocide in their own country, standing with Hamas and the Palestinians puts them on the wrong side.