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A year of elections in democracies around the world is revealing deep dissatisfaction among voters

As half the world’s population votes in elections this year, voters are in a foul mood. From South Korea to Poland to Argentina, incumbents have been ousted in election after election. In just the last week, voters in South Africa who are reeling from deep poverty, inequality and unemployment handed a historic defeat to the African National Congress, which lost its parliamentary majority for the first time since apartheid ended 30 years ago. In Latin America alone, leaders and their parties had lost 20 elections in a row until this past weekend’s presidential election in Mexico, according to a tally by Steven Levitsky, a Harvard professor of government.

The dynamic is likely to repeat itself as the European Union launches its legislative elections this week, where conservative populist parties are expected to register gains across the continent. EU parliamentary elections are usually an opportunity for voters in individual countries to vent their frustrations because the candidates they elect will have power in Brussels rather than their own national capitals. In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called elections for later this summer in which his party is expected to struggle.


The reasons for the dissatisfaction are many, from social media’s ability to magnify problems to the painful recovery from the coronavirus pandemic to the backlash toward economic and cultural changes sparked by globalization and mass immigration.

Complete article

I'm a bit cynical, take me with a lot of skepticism. But I think this swing to the right is exactly what the globalists have been working at. They knew full well that the pendulum swings both ways, and they've been pushing so hard with all the leftist pressure groups that I've been thinking this is the plan.

They will be ready with the antidote to the crazy leftists. And even though the figure heads on the Right wing parties will be anti globalist, you can bet your bottom dollar or Euro or new fangled digital currency that they will have seeded plenty of "their" people in places of power and influence on the Right.

The leftists won't be expecting the swing to the right (it's gone their way so long), but look at how the current swing against the woke crowd is going. Or for that matter the way the rug has been pulled out from Biden by his handlers and media types. They knew what would happen at that debate.

I noticed towards the last 2/3 of Trump's term that a number of RINOs or whatever we call them were making the decisions, and Trump was often caught off guard. Whether it was QAnon, or Fauci the deep state was ready with a number of ways to ensure that Trump (who hated globalism) couldn't succeed. Just look at the uphill battle he had with the border and how that went. He did well, but it was uphill all the way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad things are going the right way for once, pun intended.

But I'm quite sure that it won't be going the way the voters hope.
I'm a bit cynical, take me with a lot of skepticism. But I think this swing to the right is exactly what the globalists have been working at. They knew full well that the pendulum swings both ways, and they've been pushing so hard with all the leftist pressure groups that I've been thinking this is the plan.

They will be ready with the antidote to the crazy leftists. And even though the figure heads on the Right wing parties will be anti globalist, you can bet your bottom dollar or Euro or new fangled digital currency that they will have seeded plenty of "their" people in places of power and influence on the Right.

The leftists won't be expecting the swing to the right (it's gone their way so long), but look at how the current swing against the woke crowd is going. Or for that matter the way the rug has been pulled out from Biden by his handlers and media types. They knew what would happen at that debate.

I noticed towards the last 2/3 of Trump's term that a number of RINOs or whatever we call them were making the decisions, and Trump was often caught off guard. Whether it was QAnon, or Fauci the deep state was ready with a number of ways to ensure that Trump (who hated globalism) couldn't succeed. Just look at the uphill battle he had with the border and how that went. He did well, but it was uphill all the way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad things are going the right way for once, pun intended.

But I'm quite sure that it won't be going the way the voters hope.
This is just a thought i had but what if God used all these whacko lefty leaders so that people would be so fed up with them what they would vote for people who are on the far right and hence would lead to increased antisemitism and would flow onto more Jews making Aliyah back Israel ?
This is just a thought i had but what if God used all these whacko lefty leaders so that people would be so fed up with them what they would vote for people who are on the far right and hence would lead to increased antisemitism and would flow onto more Jews making Aliyah back Israel ?
WOW I think you are right! You and @Amethyst are onto something there.

I know that Jews continue to leave for Israel even now, but I think there will be more yet before the Tribulation begins. There certainly is an uptick in antisemitism everywhere including the countries that they've felt safe in.
I'm a bit cynical, take me with a lot of skepticism. But I think this swing to the right is exactly what the globalists have been working at. They knew full well that the pendulum swings both ways, and they've been pushing so hard with all the leftist pressure groups that I've been thinking this is the plan.

They will be ready with the antidote to the crazy leftists. And even though the figure heads on the Right wing parties will be anti globalist, you can bet your bottom dollar or Euro or new fangled digital currency that they will have seeded plenty of "their" people in places of power and influence on the Right.

The leftists won't be expecting the swing to the right (it's gone their way so long), but look at how the current swing against the woke crowd is going. Or for that matter the way the rug has been pulled out from Biden by his handlers and media types. They knew what would happen at that debate.

I noticed towards the last 2/3 of Trump's term that a number of RINOs or whatever we call them were making the decisions, and Trump was often caught off guard. Whether it was QAnon, or Fauci the deep state was ready with a number of ways to ensure that Trump (who hated globalism) couldn't succeed. Just look at the uphill battle he had with the border and how that went. He did well, but it was uphill all the way.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad things are going the right way for once, pun intended.

But I'm quite sure that it won't be going the way the voters hope.
Your skepticism is right. In our US politics we have had Republican/Conservative globalists. Example: Both US Presidents Father Bush and Son Bush. No doubt there are many others that wear a mask but have the same agenda.
Apparently the UK's prime ministers wife is a practicing Jew who observes shabbat and has ties to the Jewish communities.

Maybe she can twist hubby's arm so that the UK provides more assistance to Israel
Hopefully she can.

I did see an article that said he is trying to root out the anti semitism that has plagued his party for decades, especially under Corbyn the previous leader of that party.

I know we both discussed this on another thread about Biden's presidential future but again, JB Hixson's talk with Mondo Gonzales was VERY instructive on how the Elites/Luciferians/Globalists plan to use the Right wing.

For those interested in it: What Did We Learn? | J.B. Hixson and Mondo Gonzales

and I would also suggest this one here from the other day as well: The Rapture, The Secret Societies, and the NWO (Part Two) and the part 1 is here: Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

in which he outlines things in more detail than he was able to with the shorter time frame in Mondo's interview.
Hopefully she can.

I did see an article that said he is trying to root out the anti semitism that has plagued his party for decades, especially under Corbyn the previous leader of that party.

I know we both discussed this on another thread about Biden's presidential future but again, JB Hixson's talk with Mondo Gonzales was VERY instructive on how the Elites/Luciferians/Globalists plan to use the Right wing.

For those interested in it: What Did We Learn? | J.B. Hixson and Mondo Gonzales

and I would also suggest this one here from the other day as well: The Rapture, The Secret Societies, and the NWO (Part Two) and the part 1 is here: Spiritual Wickedness in High Places

in which he outlines things in more detail than he was able to with the shorter time frame in Mondo's interview.
Awesome, i gotta check out that 2nd video, thanks Margery