I spotted this statement on Facebook from Patrick at Philippians 1:9 Ministries. I really like and agree with what he said:
It’s a problem when people have more respect for the “teacher” than they do the actual teaching. When they just accept what’s said because of the person who said it.
All men are fallible (this is nothing new). All denominations have things wrong. It’s not my way, it’s not your way….It’s God’s Way and He tells us this way in His Word!
Nowhere does God say certain men or women will know more than you or be more spiritual than you simply because of their position, influence, gifting, calling or title.
Be discipled yes, BUT be God’s disciple first and foremost. Follow Jesus by following His Word written in the 66 books of the Bible.
If you attach yourself too much to the teacher and later you become aware of anything being taught or done contrary to scripture or worse, it will be a much more difficult situation. Let what’s actually being taught be of first priority. Always examine the teaching to Scripture.