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A Hierarchal Society Devoid Of Jesus Christ: Examining The Beguiling Cult of Freemasonry

By Tim Moore for
Harbinger's Daily

I was recently contacted by a friend who inquired about the ongoing influence of the Masons. While arguably not as prominent as it was in the past, the Masons represent a unique group whose cultish tendencies become obvious the more their secret rituals are revealed. Yet many people—including Christian men—are drawn into Freemasonry because of its public perception of fraternity and benevolence.

While the origins of Freemasonry are cloaked in mystery, it is widely recognized that the movement began its rapid ascension throughout western societies early in the 18th Century. Some have even pointed to the founding of the first grand lodge in a London alehouse in 1717 as the beginning of this fraternal order steeped in deism and ritual.

An anonymous book published in 1730 entitled, The Defence of Masonry (sic), asserted that Freemasonry descended from the mystery cults of ancient Greece and Rome, but borrowed heavily from the pre-Christian symbolism of Judaism. Blending all of these religious ideologies into what was presented as a homogenized faith system, Freemasonry sought to cut through the class and denominational boundaries that tended to separate rather than unify.

The central tenets of Masonry revolve around the wholesome ideals of brotherly love, relief, and truth. Channeling gnostic tendencies, apprentices are invited to pursue secret “higher knowledge” as they progress along “craft degrees” and progressively higher orders attainable only by Master Masons—such as York Rite, Mark Rite, Scottish Rite, Knights Templar, and Shriners. Lending credibility to the benevolence of the various rites, Masons are known for their charitable hospitals and works.

One key component of Masonic teaching is a reverence for mathematical and geometric order. Many of their symbols harken to architectural implements and symbolism, even to the point of referring to God as “the Great Architect.” While this extrabiblical title would not be offensive with regard to God’s position as Creator and Sustainer, Masonry’s creation of a hierarchal society devoid of Jesus Christ—and bereft of His Gospel—relegates this man-affirming organization to yet another cult.

Do Not Be Deceived.....​

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