By Jonathan Brentner for
Harbinger's Daily
Last Monday, we watched as Donald Trump again became President of the United States. Optimism abounds; many believe he can change the disastrous, vile, and anti-biblical policies of the previous administration before it’s too late to avert the Lord’s wrath and/or the end of America.
I’m exceedingly thankful that Trump is now our President, and I witnessed more reasons for hopefulness while watching Trump’s first day in office than I anticipated. He is far from perfect, and I disagree with him on some matters. However, if Harris had prevailed last November, we would even now be experiencing an accelerated erosion of our freedoms, Biden’s political prisoners would still be languishing in prison with no hope of an end to their torment, and our tax money would continue to flow to wars, corrupt tyrants such a Zelenskyy, and those who are here illegally and seek to harm us.
Even with the positive and heartwarming scenes that emerged from Inauguration Day 2025, the US faces a future fraught with danger. The following perils facing the newly elected President are not exhaustive, but they are the ones I consider to be the most daunting.
The Threat of WWIII
I remain convinced that the Lord is currently restraining the breakout of a deadly nuclear war that will result in far more casualties than what happened during the last century as the result of wars and communism/socialism. During his last months in office, President Biden appeared to do all that he could to provoke Russian President Vladimir Putin into attacking NATO and the US.
As President Donald Trump steps into the Oval Office, the threat posed by the Russia/Ukraine war still exists. Some believe that WWIII has already begun via this conflict. Will the President be able to calm tensions in a war that has already claimed so many lives? The heavy loss of life seems to have hardened Putin’s heart against accepting any peace agreement that doesn’t give him a decisive victory.
The other key flashpoint is China’s threat to invade Taiwan. I expected this to happen during the final days of the Biden administration. This could easily result in a war with horrific consequences.
The latest news is that experts expect Iran to possess a nuclear bomb within two months. If that happens, its leaders will seek to use it against Israel and US interests in the future. Iran’s recent twenty-year pact with Russia complicates this alarming development.
A Deeply Divided Nation
In response to the Pharisee’s accusation that He cast out demons by the power of Satan, Jesus responded, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand” (Matthew 12:25). His words apply to what we see happening in the US. We are a deeply divided nation and in many ways, a nation at war with itself.
The policies proposed by President Trump and his cabinet choices will wreak havoc among the deep state and cost them billions, if not trillions, of dollars. His ongoing efforts to expose the hidden wickedness of the elite in Washington, DC, puts him at odds with many who yield considerable clout in both the media and Congress.
Trump’s naiveness regarding the depth of the deep state’s powers hurt him during his first term as President and resulted in betrayals by many of his trusted advisors. As he seeks to delegitimize those who hate America and seek to destroy him, we can be sure they will put up a fight with no regard for the consequences, even if it means the destruction of the US. They are exceedingly evil and will continue to use deadly force to maintain their stranglehold on America.
Economic Devastation
I have written often about the dangers of America’s national debt and out-of-control spending. It now stands at $36.2 trillion and is growing at a rate of one trillion dollars every one hundred days. If not for the Lord’s restraining hand, this surely would’ve long ago plunged the US and the world into an economic depression far worse than what happened in the 1930’s.
A priority of the incoming President is that of bringing the spending under control, but is it too late? Is this a ticking time bomb that’s set to explode in the near future?
The massive debt levels in the US and throughout the world tell us that the third rider of the apocalypse is ready to ride (see Revelation 6:5-6). The day is rapidly approaching when Jesus will open the third seal and bring economic woes upon the entire world. Does this not signify the nearness of the Rapture?
Illegal Immigration
Even those of the outgoing Biden administration have admitted that because many enemies of the US have entered our country through Mexico during the past four years, we face the likelihood of a devastating terror attack perhaps worse than 9/11. There are credible reports that hundreds, if not thousands, of Chinese men of military age, without spouses or children, have entered our country.
It’s likely that President Trump’s deportation program to rid the country of the illegals will have already begun by the time you read this. His program, though just and absolutely necessary, will cause much strife and perhaps spark violence in the months ahead.
The Push to Divide Israel
Although President Trump is a friend of Israel, he faces a worldwide mindset that seeks to divide Israel and thereby bring about the Lord’s wrath upon the nations. The prophetic words of Joel 3:1-2 are ever so close to reaching fulfillment: “For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land.”
Though these verses speak to the gathering of the world’s armies at the time of the Second Coming, they aptly depict the current mindset that seeks to divide the Land of Israel and, as a result, kindle God’s wrath. The world’s uncanny obsession with Jerusalem has already begun the fulfillment of Zechariah 12:1-3.
The current determination of the nations to divide both Israel and Jerusalem was set in motion by Saudi Arabia in 2024. These countries plan to meet at the UN during the first week of June 2025 with the goal of formulating a seven or ten-year peace covenant with Israel. It’s possible that they will agree to impose upon Israel a seven-year peace treaty with plans to formally ratify in September of 2025. It’s possible that we see the buildup to Daniel’s seventieth week (Daniel 9:27).
What will be President Trump’s role in the scheduled meeting of this group set for June 2025? Any acceptance of the dividing up of the Land or Jerusalem will surely bring God’s wrath upon the US.
Of course, if this turns out to be the antichrist’s peace accord with Israel, we will be with Jesus before the man of lawlessness steps onto the world stage and ratifies it.
I wish President Trump well and pray daily for his safety and wisdom as he deals with these perils. These dangers, however, also tell me that the seven-year Tribulation is rapidly approaching.
I have no illusions that political solutions, however just and correct they might be, will alter the world’s mad rush to a one-world Marxist government under the antichrist. My hope for the future rests one hundred percent with Jesus and His imminent appearing.
At any moment now, the Father will send Him to fetch His bride.
Jonathan Brentner is an author, writer, and Bible Teacher with a passion for encouraging believers with a sound biblical worldview and the nearness of Jesus’ appearing.
Harbinger's Daily
Last Monday, we watched as Donald Trump again became President of the United States. Optimism abounds; many believe he can change the disastrous, vile, and anti-biblical policies of the previous administration before it’s too late to avert the Lord’s wrath and/or the end of America.
I’m exceedingly thankful that Trump is now our President, and I witnessed more reasons for hopefulness while watching Trump’s first day in office than I anticipated. He is far from perfect, and I disagree with him on some matters. However, if Harris had prevailed last November, we would even now be experiencing an accelerated erosion of our freedoms, Biden’s political prisoners would still be languishing in prison with no hope of an end to their torment, and our tax money would continue to flow to wars, corrupt tyrants such a Zelenskyy, and those who are here illegally and seek to harm us.
Even with the positive and heartwarming scenes that emerged from Inauguration Day 2025, the US faces a future fraught with danger. The following perils facing the newly elected President are not exhaustive, but they are the ones I consider to be the most daunting.
The Threat of WWIII
I remain convinced that the Lord is currently restraining the breakout of a deadly nuclear war that will result in far more casualties than what happened during the last century as the result of wars and communism/socialism. During his last months in office, President Biden appeared to do all that he could to provoke Russian President Vladimir Putin into attacking NATO and the US.
As President Donald Trump steps into the Oval Office, the threat posed by the Russia/Ukraine war still exists. Some believe that WWIII has already begun via this conflict. Will the President be able to calm tensions in a war that has already claimed so many lives? The heavy loss of life seems to have hardened Putin’s heart against accepting any peace agreement that doesn’t give him a decisive victory.
The other key flashpoint is China’s threat to invade Taiwan. I expected this to happen during the final days of the Biden administration. This could easily result in a war with horrific consequences.
The latest news is that experts expect Iran to possess a nuclear bomb within two months. If that happens, its leaders will seek to use it against Israel and US interests in the future. Iran’s recent twenty-year pact with Russia complicates this alarming development.
A Deeply Divided Nation
In response to the Pharisee’s accusation that He cast out demons by the power of Satan, Jesus responded, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and no city or house divided against itself will stand” (Matthew 12:25). His words apply to what we see happening in the US. We are a deeply divided nation and in many ways, a nation at war with itself.
The policies proposed by President Trump and his cabinet choices will wreak havoc among the deep state and cost them billions, if not trillions, of dollars. His ongoing efforts to expose the hidden wickedness of the elite in Washington, DC, puts him at odds with many who yield considerable clout in both the media and Congress.
Trump’s naiveness regarding the depth of the deep state’s powers hurt him during his first term as President and resulted in betrayals by many of his trusted advisors. As he seeks to delegitimize those who hate America and seek to destroy him, we can be sure they will put up a fight with no regard for the consequences, even if it means the destruction of the US. They are exceedingly evil and will continue to use deadly force to maintain their stranglehold on America.
Economic Devastation
I have written often about the dangers of America’s national debt and out-of-control spending. It now stands at $36.2 trillion and is growing at a rate of one trillion dollars every one hundred days. If not for the Lord’s restraining hand, this surely would’ve long ago plunged the US and the world into an economic depression far worse than what happened in the 1930’s.
A priority of the incoming President is that of bringing the spending under control, but is it too late? Is this a ticking time bomb that’s set to explode in the near future?
The massive debt levels in the US and throughout the world tell us that the third rider of the apocalypse is ready to ride (see Revelation 6:5-6). The day is rapidly approaching when Jesus will open the third seal and bring economic woes upon the entire world. Does this not signify the nearness of the Rapture?
Illegal Immigration
Even those of the outgoing Biden administration have admitted that because many enemies of the US have entered our country through Mexico during the past four years, we face the likelihood of a devastating terror attack perhaps worse than 9/11. There are credible reports that hundreds, if not thousands, of Chinese men of military age, without spouses or children, have entered our country.
It’s likely that President Trump’s deportation program to rid the country of the illegals will have already begun by the time you read this. His program, though just and absolutely necessary, will cause much strife and perhaps spark violence in the months ahead.
The Push to Divide Israel
Although President Trump is a friend of Israel, he faces a worldwide mindset that seeks to divide Israel and thereby bring about the Lord’s wrath upon the nations. The prophetic words of Joel 3:1-2 are ever so close to reaching fulfillment: “For behold, in those days and at that time, when I restore the fortunes of Judah and Jerusalem, I will gather all the nations and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. And I will enter into judgment with them there, on behalf of my people and my heritage Israel, because they have scattered them among the nations and have divided up my land.”
Though these verses speak to the gathering of the world’s armies at the time of the Second Coming, they aptly depict the current mindset that seeks to divide the Land of Israel and, as a result, kindle God’s wrath. The world’s uncanny obsession with Jerusalem has already begun the fulfillment of Zechariah 12:1-3.
The current determination of the nations to divide both Israel and Jerusalem was set in motion by Saudi Arabia in 2024. These countries plan to meet at the UN during the first week of June 2025 with the goal of formulating a seven or ten-year peace covenant with Israel. It’s possible that they will agree to impose upon Israel a seven-year peace treaty with plans to formally ratify in September of 2025. It’s possible that we see the buildup to Daniel’s seventieth week (Daniel 9:27).
What will be President Trump’s role in the scheduled meeting of this group set for June 2025? Any acceptance of the dividing up of the Land or Jerusalem will surely bring God’s wrath upon the US.
Of course, if this turns out to be the antichrist’s peace accord with Israel, we will be with Jesus before the man of lawlessness steps onto the world stage and ratifies it.
I wish President Trump well and pray daily for his safety and wisdom as he deals with these perils. These dangers, however, also tell me that the seven-year Tribulation is rapidly approaching.
I have no illusions that political solutions, however just and correct they might be, will alter the world’s mad rush to a one-world Marxist government under the antichrist. My hope for the future rests one hundred percent with Jesus and His imminent appearing.
At any moment now, the Father will send Him to fetch His bride.
Jonathan Brentner is an author, writer, and Bible Teacher with a passion for encouraging believers with a sound biblical worldview and the nearness of Jesus’ appearing.