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A child not yet brainwashed


Just waiting for the Rapture at this point!
A child not yet brainwashed

This is a sad story I made up regarding abortion that has a mother speaking to her young 6 year old son named Johnny.

Mother: Johnny come here, I have some great news for you! Remember how you have wanted a little brother to take care of and play with?

Johnny: Yes, mommy

Mother: Well I have good news; you now have a new baby brother!

Johnny: Oh boy, that’s great! Where is he mommy?

Mother: Well he is in my stomach.

Johnny: In your stomach? What’s he doing there?

Mother: Well he is maturing, kind of like growing up. In a few months he will have matured enough to come out of my stomach and you can meet him.

Johnny: Oh boy, I can’t wait to see him!

One month later:

Mother: Johnny come here, I have some sad news.

Johnny: What is it mommy?

Mother: Dad lost his job last week, so we will have to be careful with our spending until he finds another job.

Johnny: That’s not such bad news mommy, dad is smart and I am sure he will find another job soon.

Mother: Well that’s not the only bad news; you will no longer have a little brother.

Johnny: What happened to my little brother?

Mother: Well as our money is tight, dad and I decided to terminate mommy’s pregnancy.

Johnny: You mean you killed my baby brother!

Mother: No, no we would never kill a baby; we just had the fetus removed from mommy’s stomach.

Johnny: So is the fetus still alive?

Mother: No sadly, it cannot survive outside mommy’s stomach.

Johnny: Then you killed it, you killed my baby brother!

Mother: No as I said it was just a fetus.

Johnny: But you told me it was my baby brother.

Mother: Well I guess I should not have said that. I should have said that mommy and daddy have created a fetus.

Johnny: Just because you call it a fetus, it was still my baby brother and you killed him!!!!

Goodboy 🙂