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97 or more killed in human stampede at India’s Religious Eivent.

My God! How terrible! Those poor people. Likely all the dead now in hell! Satan must be so gleeful. He stole their earthly lives through an evil religion that bound them to demons; and now has killed them; and has robbed them of peace and joy --and God of their souls-- forever.
That’s terrifying. I hate thinking of what those poor souls are facing now for all ETERNITY. :oops:
I saw on another news broadcast that they were all there to receive a “blessing” from a self-proclaimed “guru” who had a big tent set up there. Creepy looking dude. Apparently the tent partially collapsed and that is what started the stampede. And the fact that he had three times as many people on the site that he was approved to have. They are unable to locate him right now, of course.