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8 Signs You're in A Spiritual Battle And How To Win

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From davidjeremiah.blog:

Fatigue. Anxiety. Stress. Temptation. Fear. Despair. Lies. Revenge. Sound familiar? These are some of the devil’s favorite schemes for eroding our faith in God. He wants us to believe that we’re stuck, that our situation is hopeless, that defeat is our destiny. If we’re not careful, these deceptions set us on a slippery slope to spiritual defeat.

Satan’s Profile: The Father of Lies

John Wesley wrote, “As the most dangerous winds may enter at little openings, so the devil never enters more dangerously than by little unobserved incidents, which seem to be nothing, yet insensibly open the heart to great temptations.”1 The best way to wall off our heart from Satan’s enticements is to know the Scriptures. They teach us how to withstand the enemy’s ploys by giving us a glimpse of his character, tactics, and purpose. Here are a few descriptions of Satan from the Bible.

(more): 8 Signs You're in a Spiritual Battle and How to Win

Infographic on the Armor of God:
