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12 Israeli children killed in Hezbollah missile attack, but media maintains position that ISRAEL is the the aggressor

When brutality is inflicted upon children, we should be outraged. It shouldn’t matter where those children come from. When the innocent are victimized, the only acceptable response is disgust and indignation.

Our corrupt media, however, seems to understand this unless the brutality is aimed at the Jews.

For some reason, the same rules don’t apply when it’s Israeli children being brutalized.

On July 27, Hezbollah fired missiles into a Druze neighborhood in the Golan Heights, killing 12 children and injuring numerous others.


I'll tell you, the members of the media who are complicit in this failure to properly inform the public, but rather go along with the propagandist views of their employers, will suffer eternally for their selfishness and their lack of concern for their fellow human beings. What they are doing is no light thing. Not at all. It has eternal consequences. I would not want to be in their shoes. Get some guts! Or find another job. Get your head out of your elitist bubble and stop being part of the destruction of godliness and common sense in society.
I'll tell you, the members of the media who are complicit in this failure to properly inform the public, but rather go along with the propagandist views of their employers, will suffer eternally for their selfishness and their lack of concern for their fellow human beings. What they are doing is no light thing. Not at all. It has eternal consequences. I would not want to be in their shoes. Get some guts! Or find another job. Get your head out of your elitist bubble and stop being part of the destruction of godliness and common sense in society.
Exactly! It’s evil and they will be judged if they never repent.
True and it’s so sad how it seems to be the case more than ever now.
Yes. And it gives us a picture of the kind of heart Esau had towards his brother Jacob and why God would say
Jacob I have loved but Esau I have hated. Romans 9:13

13 "As it is written, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.”
Romans 9:13