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‘We Will Not Allow It’: Church-Run Schools in India Reportedly Ordered to Remove All Christians Symbols


February 12, 2024

A Hindu group in Assam, India, has given Christian schools in the state a 15-day ultimatum, demanding the removal of all faith-related symbols and images of Jesus and the Mother Mary.

Satya Ranjan Borah, president of the Hindu group Kutumba Surakshya Parishad, is reportedly concerned Christians are using the schools to evangelize, according to UCA News, a Catholic news outlet reporting on faith-related matters in Asian regions.

“Christian missionaries are converting schools and educational institutes into religious institutes,” Borah said at a press conference last week. “We will not allow it.”

According to local media reports, the Hindu group is demanding all imagery referencing the Christian faith be removed from the Catholic schools within 15 days. They are also ordering priests and nuns to stop wearing clerical clothes and habits, respectively, and calling for the closure of churches on school campuses.


Not surprising considering its a mostly non Christian country. However, His Word will still get through by whatever means necessary for those seeking the truth.
hindu persecution of Christians is just as evil and horrific as muslim persecution of Christians.
We don't hear nearly as much about it here because so many corporations are outsourcing service and tech jobs in India, because Americans are far less likely to be victims of hindu persecution than muslim persecution because generally only found in any scale in India, because American Soldiers are serving in muslim/Arab areas, and because far more issues with muslims than hindus in the U.S.