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‘Mega Victory!’ Anti-Mass Migration Populist Geert Wilders Wins Most Seats in Dutch Elections, Exit Polls Show

Tall Timbers

Imperfect but forgiven
Staff member
Geert Wilders and his Party for Freedom (PVV) have swept to a stunning victory in Dutch elections, with exit polls predicting that his populist anti-mass migration party will become the largest force in the House of Representatives in the Netherlands.

A wave of anti-mass migration sentiment across Europe has seen staunch Islam critic Geert Wilders pull a massive upset in the Netherlands, as exit polls from research agency Ipsos predict that his Party for Freedom (PVV) will become the largest party in the House of Representatives with an estimated 35 seats, public broadcaster NOS reports.

Performing in a way that many would have considered unthinkable just a week ago, the populist party is now projected to have more than doubled its representation over the previous election in 2021 when the PVV only managed to secure 17 seats in the House.

I'm not that exited.

Wilders was always against the establishment.
He is against immigration of muslims, and he is a staunch supporter of Israel.
But he is also a liberal and atheist, or rather an agnost. So, he won't defend any Christian values.

And lately we have seen him do a turn-about. Ingraciating himself to the powers that be.
I see him currying to the values of one K. Schwab...

And having said all that, I'm not sure he will become PM anyway.
He may have 35 seats in Parliament, but to have a majority, he needs another 41.
It won't be easy for him to form a coalition.
(But that goes for all parties, my country has never been so fractured)

Dutch Right-Wing Election Winner Geert Wilders Causes Uproar After Declaring ‘Jordan Is Palestine!’​

The country of Jordan should be considered the true national homeland for the Palestinian people, according to Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders, who caused an uproar after making the declaration online.

Having been under security for years due to his comments on Muslims, the leader of the Freedom Party (PVV) is known for his strong support for Israel, aligning his views with right-wing parties that have gained prominence across Europe. He has also referred to the Jewish state as the West’s first line of defense.

Wilders, who vowed to become the next Dutch prime minister, has long argued that the conflict between Palestinians and Israel could be resolved through the recognition of Jordan as a Palestinian state.

Wilders, who vowed to become the next Dutch prime minister, has long argued that the conflict between Palestinians and Israel could be resolved through the recognition of Jordan as a Palestinian state.
Probably not going to happen.

There is no other party that wants to form a government with him.
Or he has to let go of most of his promises.
Really a no win situation for Wilders.

They'll let him try and :headbang:.
So that afterwards the same old, same old, parties will return.
We've seen that in Spain.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
Probably not going to happen.

There is no other party that wants to form a government with him.
Or he has to let go of most of his promises.
Really a no win situation for Wilders.

They'll let him try and :headbang:.
So that afterwards the same old, same old, parties will return.
We've seen that in Spain.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
Thank You! I didn't post anything on this because this is definetly your field of expertise!