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‘Khamenei will wait to see if Trump wins to decide Iran nuke policy,’ Iran expert says

Following the surprise win of reformist Masoud Pezeshkian in Iran’s presidential election this weekend, The Jerusalem Post interviewed multiple experts about what the change means for Tehran, Israel, and the world.

Iran expert at INSS and at the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center, Raz Zimmt, told the Post that anyone who says “the regime fully controls the results – this is not true.

“The Iranian regime completes its intervention at the stage of selecting which candidates get passed the Guardian Council. Once the Guardian Council has approved or disqualified candidates – which is its blatant intervention, then maybe the Basij [Iranian regime militia] can do propaganda, but their intervention is limited. It is a country of over 90 million people. They cannot influence more unless they forge the results themselves,” he added.

*In addition, the Iran expert said “some say Khamenei wanted Pezeshkian because he was worried [Donald] Trump will win” the US presidential election and wanted to quickly “present a nicer face to the West” to try to cut a nuclear deal before Trump enters office.


"...maybe the Basij [Iranian regime militia] can do propaganda, but their intervention is limited. It is a country of over 90 million people. They cannot influence more unless they forge the results themselves..."
And he thinks they don't already?

We've seen one party attempt to do that here in America and succeed...although they likely could not succeed again, given the majority (slim though it may be these days) of Americans who still believe in America as it was founded to be.