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‘God is dramatically answering Evangelical prayers for Israel’s safety’

By Joel Rosenberg

Excerpt from article:

In a recent interview with Moody Radio’s “Dawn and Steve in the Morning,” ALL ISRAEL NEWS Editor-in-Chief Joel Rosenberg was asked the question: “Is it really necessary that Evangelical, born-again believers intercede on behalf of the country and the people [of Israel]?”
Calling it a “great question,” Rosenberg responded, “The answer is not only, yes, is it necessary, it's commanded.” He cited Psalm 122:6, which states, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.”.....

......Rosenberg asked believers to keep praying, saying, “There are still slightly over a hundred [hostages] that are in those tunnels…so we need to keep praying and not give up.”.....

.....“What is happening?” Rosenberg asked. “To me, these are the fulfillments of God showing mercy, not primarily because Israel is praying, most Israelis are not praying,” he noted, “but Evangelicals are interceding in prayer on behalf of Israel, and God is responding to those prayers.”
“He's trying to get the attention of the Jewish people,” Rosenberg added.

“We are sheep who don't understand that we have a shepherd,” Rosenberg stated about the Jewish people. “We've been wandering away from that shepherd, and it's dangerous.”

Complete Article:

‘God is dramatically answering Evangelical prayers for Israel’s safety’