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‘God gap’ among GOP, Democrats increases in 119th Congress: report

A "God gap" exists among members of the incoming 119th Congress, despite Protestants and Catholics dominating the religious affiliation of both parties, according to a recent report.

CQ Roll Call published an analysis on Monday of the religious affiliation of the 119th Congress, which was elected last November and begins its sessions on Friday.

Roll Call found that while 98% of Republican members identified as Christian, only 75% of Democrats or members who caucus with Democrats identified as Christian.

Religious affiliation in Congress is higher than the general population in the U.S., with Roll Call noting that while 95% of congressional lawmakers are religiously affiliated, less than 70% of Americans are the same, according to the Pew Research Center.

“Congress represents America as it looked 20 or 30 years ago, not the way it looks today,” Burge told Roll Call. “Incumbency advantage keeps people in office that were elected … some of them in the ’80s, in the ’90s, when America was overwhelmingly a religious country.”

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