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‘Approaching Hoofbeats’: The Signs We Saw Decades Ago Pale In Comparison To What We See Today


By Jonathan Brenter for
Harbinger's Daily

I purchased Billy Graham’s book, Approaching Hoofbeats, not long after its publication in 1983. I cannot remember all that I thought as I read it forty years ago, but I know the book sparked hope regarding the nearness of the Rapture. As a young pastor at the time, I loved preaching about Bible prophecy and Jesus’ appearing.

As I recently skimmed its chapters, the stark differences between then and now leaped off the pages. Some of the signs that four decades ago seemed so indicative of the nearing Rapture pale by comparison to all that we see today.

The Antichrist Rides

It’s only been in the past six years or so that Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) have come out of the shadows and revealed their true intentions to the world. They have invited the news media into their once-secret meetings and revealed their true intention to enslave the world under “Build Back Better,” which is a euphemism for their intent to create a Marxist, totalitarian world government.

I am definitely not suggesting that Klaus Schwab is the coming “man of lawlessness” as Paul describes in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-10. However, he does provide an apt illustration of how the antichrist will gain control of our world under the cloak of promoting peace.

