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bible authority

  1. A

    #1 of 12 Disciplines of a Godly Man (or Woman)

    A 100% belief in the six day Creation, young earth and Genesis chapters 1-11 must be the foundation of authentic Faith and belief of anyone calling themselves a Christian. Number 1 of 12 Disciplines of a Godly Man is not just believing in Creation but being disciplined enough to teach it...
  2. A

    Stinking Thinking vs Biblical Thinking

    NEW: We don't have to give in to "stinking thinking," a term coined by the great Zig Ziglar. We have the spiritual authority to overrule ungodly thoughts and move right.... into His Word. Link to New Article: http://www.bernielutchman.com/2025/01/think-series-part-5-stinking-vs.html
  3. Matthew6:33

    The Sermon That Derailed American Christianity

    Quick American Church History Lesson: 20 minute teaching on an early 20th century sermon "Shall the Fundamentalists Win?" by Harry Emerson Fosdick that changed the landscape of the American Church by opening the doors to compromise. If you are a "fundamentalist" and you believe in the...